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Kommunikationsdesign in Mainz


Master 2020: Deep Speed Typography

Three intense semesters creating your own typography project. Workshops, excursions, teamwork: the new master’s program starts in October 2020.



There is typography for deep understanding (Deep Reading) and typography for browsing, quick overview (Speed Reading). In this master’s programme, we want to explore both types of reading to their extreme forms.

Testing your ideas and approaches for your own master project through creative experiments:
A better Instagram, a custom font, the reading app of the future, a generative book, typography for augmented reality, moving posters, the editorial design of tomorrow or new avenues in thinking about design.

The master’s degree is aimed at typography / editorial design nerds as well as those who want to catch up: typographic expertise, technical back-ground, thinking about design or simply more project experience.

In addition, the master’s programme has proven record to network and start a professional life.

Workshops with

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